A 20-year-old has admitted assault causing actual bodily harm after punching a man in Shaw’s Brow car park.

Alex Egan’s attack caused his victim to suffer a broken tooth and swollen eye.

He will be sentenced on October 3 after a probation report has been completed.

Prosecuting advocate Sara-Jayne Dodge told the court that the victim had been out drinking with friends at Bench Nightclub on July 6.

One of his group had been designated as a driver, so he had not been drinking.

The group left the club and went to Shaw’s Brow car park, to go to their vehicle.

However, they were then approached by five males, including Egan.

The males asked the victim’s group to give one of their friend’s a lift, but they refused.

This prompted two of the five males to become aggressive.

Egan then grabbed the victim and said: ‘You’re going to beat the s*** out of me are you?’

He then pushed him against a post and punched him in the face.

The victim later went to accident and emergency at Noble's Hospital, to be treated for a broken tooth and swollen eye.

On July 8, Egan, who lives at Strang Close in Douglas, presented himself at police headquarters.

Ms Dodge said that the case was just suitable for summary court sentencing.

Egan was represented in court by defence advocate Emily Brennan, who agreed that sentencing should take place in summary court, and asked for a probation report to be prepared.

Magistrates accepted summary court jurisdiction and granted bail in the sum of £500, with conditions for the defendant to live at his home address, and not to contact the complainant.