A Douglas teenager has appeared in court after damaging a door and gate at two properties.

Louis James Chapman admitted offences of destroying property and damaging property and will be sentenced on November 12, after a probation report has been prepared.

The 19-year-old is already subject to a two-year probation order, imposed in May 2023 for possessing cocaine and obstructing police.

Prosecuting advocate Hazel Carroon told the court that the latest offences were committed on June 13.

A witness at Clifton Terrace in Douglas heard banging outside their address.

When they looked outside they saw two males covering their faces and with hoods up.

Chapman was kicking the door of a property owned by Praxis Care and was said to have caused £600 worth of damage.

Another witness heard more loud bangs and Chapman was said to have damaged a gate at another address in Clifton Terrace.

The damage to the gate was valued at £300.

Ms Carroon submitted that the case was suitable for summary court sentencing.

Defence advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin agreed, and asked for a probation report to be prepared before sentencing.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood accepted summary court jurisdiction and bail has been granted with a condition to contact probation and co-operate in the preparation of the report.