A Laxey woman has been put on probation for two years for four drug-related offences.

Sophia Escobeda, formerly Russell, admitted driving under the influence of ketamine and cannabis, importing cannabis to the island, and possessing it.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also banned the 28-year-old from driving for two years.

The court heard that the importation offence took place on January 15, when 3.9 grams of cannabis, which Escobeda has bought in the UK, was found in a suitcase.

She said that it had been in a jacket pocket and that she had not intended to bring it back to the island.

On February 19, Escobeda was arrested for drug driving, and tests later found that she was more than four times the legal limit for cannabis and ketamine.

She was also found to be in possession of 12 grams of cannabis on the same date.

The court heard that Escobeda has a previous drug-related conviction.

Defence advocate Stephen Wood handed in letters of reference for his client, as well as a letter of apology from the defendant.

Mr Wood said that Escobeda had done all she could to rehabilitate herself and move on after being released from prison last year, having served a significant sentence.

The advocate said that the latest offences had been committed over a month period and submitted that they were a blip.

He asked the court to follow the recommendation of a probation report, for a period of supervision, saying this would allow the defendant to continue to take advantage of professional services that she was already involved with.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood told Escobeda: ‘It is encouraging to read how well you are doing.  'It’s clear you have made great progress and will benefit from continued support.’

Escobeda, who lives at Minorca Hill, was also ordered to pay £250 prosecution costs and to take an extended driving test at the end of her ban.