A 42-year-old woman who racially abused a bouncer at the Nag’s Head has been fined £600 for disorderly behaviour on licensed premises.

Charlotte Helena Shimmin was refused entry to the Victoria Street pub, and responded by throwing a vape and saying: ‘Foreign c***. You should go back to your own country.’

She appeared in court on Tuesday, October 22, admitting the offence and was also ordered by Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that Shimmin had initially been drinking at the Nag’s Head, but had left around 12.30am on October 12.

However, she then returned but was stopped from entering by security staff, who told her she was too drunk.

She was asked to leave but sat at a table outside the pub, making comments every time the door staff were near.

She said: ‘Who put you in charge? How did you get this job?’

Shimmin then slammed a vape on the table and was again asked to leave.

She began to stagger away, but then said: ‘It’s because of people like you that Manx people can’t get jobs.

‘Foreign c***. You should go back to your own country.’

She then threw her vape at the door staff as she continued to shout and swear, which resulted in her being put on the ground.

Police arrived and described the defendant as unsteady on her feet, slurring her words, and having glazed eyes.

Shimmin was said to have been hitting her head on the side of the police van when she was taken to the force headquarters.

When interviewed later, she apologised to police and said that she couldn’t remember the incident as she had drunk too much.

She said she had been drinking Vodka and Red Bull, having been out for the 18th birthday of a friend’s daughter.

Shimmin said that she didn’t normally drink and had woken up in the cells hating herself.

She said that she was embarrassed when her comments had been read out to her, and that she wanted to pass on an apology to the door staff.

Defence advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin said that her client had been extremely apologetic in interview and was embarrassed by her actions.

Ms Shimmin said that it had been out of character for the defendant as she rarely drank.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood told Shimmin: ‘Door staff have a job to do keeping customers safe.

‘To be distracted with your abuse, name calling, and swearing is completely unacceptable.

‘If you’re not used to drinking, you shouldn’t be drinking in that quantity.’

Shimmin will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits.