Beachgoers at Ramsey may have noticed a rather sad sight with a number of small fish ending up on the strandline.

But the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture has moved to reassure people this is a natural occurrence and not a pollution event or any other sinister cause.

DEFA has received a number of reports of the small fish washing up on the beach, while a post an another Facebook page also featured a dead mackerel.

However, posting on social media, DEFA said: ‘We have received several reports of strandings of small sprat-like fish around Ramsey Bay.

‘This is most likely caused by predators, such as mackerel or other large fish and mammals, chasing them inshore, and is a natural event.

‘Such strandings can occur around the Irish Sea, particularly at this time of year. DEFA is not aware of any pollution reports or other hazardous event causes.’