The Department of Infrastructure have issued a warning over the ‘legality’ of driving instructors in the island.

Those learning to drive have been reminded to check that their instructor is properly qualified and registered with the department, while it has also been noted that providing driving lessons or instruction for money or money’s worth (such as gifts, charitable donations and petrol money) without being registered is an offence.

A spokesperson from the DoI commented: ‘Before beginning a lesson, ask to see the instructor’s badge, which must be displayed in the rear window on the driver’s side for the duration of the lesson.

‘A green badge indicates the instructor is fully qualified and legally allowed to provide the tuition and a pink badge indicates the instructor is a trainee.

‘Trainee instructors are allowed to give tuition but must let you know they are a trainee and they are not allowed to advertise their services.

‘Paragraph three of schedule four of the Road Traffic Act 1985 makes it an offence for anyone to provide driving instruction and to take payment, unless they are qualified and registered.’

If this situation occurs, learners have been encouraged to report the incident to the ADI registrar by calling 686753 or via e-mail to [email protected]

The spokesperson added: ‘By not being qualified and charging for their services, the person is not insured as a driving instructor and therefore is putting you and others at risk.’