Dogs will be allowed back on many of the island’s beaches again from early next week.

Some of the Isle of Man’s most popular beaches do not allow dogs during the summer months when more children will be playing in the sand to ensure they are kept clean.

But the ban comes to an end on Monday which means that from Tuesday, October 1, dogs will be allowed on all the island’s beaches.

The bans and restrictions are governed by bye-laws which are introduced by the various commissioners across the island. This means the rules can be a little confusing as each beach is different.

Dog bans are put in place to ensure the beaches are safe and clean. While most owners are responsible and clean up after their pets, there is a risk to visitors – particularly children – who may play in the sand and come across dog poo.

Any owner found exercising their dog on a beach where they are prohibited, can be issued with a £50 on-the-spot fine.

The beaches where the ban will be lifted from Tuesday include Peel, Douglas’ main beach, Port St Mary’s Chapel Beach, Laxey and Port Erin. Meanwhile, dogs are banned all year round on Ramsey beach from the south breakwater to the lifeboat slipway off Queen’s Promenade. There are no restrictions on the rest of north and south beaches.

No restrictions are in place at Port Skillion, Port Soderick, Port Grenaugh, Derbyhaven, Castletown, Gansey, Spaldrick, Fleshwick, Niarbyl, Fenella, from White Strand to Smeale, Port Lewaigue, Port Mooar, Cornaa, Shoon and Garwick.