A perpetrator of appalling and numerous acts of domestic abuse has been jailed for three years and four months.

Wilson White, 66, subjected his victim to a catalogue of verbal and physical abuse.

It culminated in September last year with his dragging the woman by her hair down a corridor at his then home in Christian Road, Douglas, in an incident which left her with a dislocated shoulder.

Sentencing him, Deemster Graeme Cook told White: ‘How any human being can treat and speak to another human being in that manner is beyond my imagination.’

He said he had treated the victim with ‘complete disdain’.

In a victim impact statement, the woman said the incident in September had not been the first time something like this had happened but ‘it would be the last’.

She said she used to be confident and outgoing but she had been left devastated.

White, latterly of Tromode House, had initially denied charges of domestic abuse and causing actual bodily harm but changed his plea to guilty six weeks before he was due to stand trial.

The Court of General Gaol Delivery heard that the victim’s daughters had travelled to the island to check on their mother after becoming concerned about her welfare.

She answered the door to then on the morning of September 9 in a confused and disheveled state and in extreme discomfort. She thought she had broken her arm.

An ambulance was called and paramedic requested police assistance.

The woman was taken to Noble’s where it was found she had a dislocated shoulder. She had multiple bruising to her arms, wrists, shoulder, shins and abdomen.

A clump of her hair had been ripped out as she had been dragged down the corridor by the defendant.

She was in hospital for 10 days.

Interviewed by police, the defendant didn’t appear upset or concerned that the woman was in hospital. He sought to blame her for her injuries which he tried to claim were the result of an accident.

Defence advocate David Reynolds said his client had lost his home and his job as a result of his offending. His life, he said, had ‘completely fallen apart’.

He said White had been alcohol-dependent for 25 years and was a ‘functioning alcoholic’.

‘He is ashamed of his behaviour,’ the defence advocate said.

Deemster Cook sentenced White to three years and four months in jail for the offence of domestic abuse with one year concurrent for the actual bodily harm charge.

He will serve half of that in custody, less the time he has already spent on remand, before being released on licence.

White was also made subject of a domestic abuse order for an indefinite period.