A Douglas wine bar faces being evicted from its premises in a dispute with its parish church landlord over unpaid rent.
The vicar and wardens of St George’s church are taking legal action against Bar George and its owner Damien Hawley, claiming more than £80,000 in outstanding rent plus interest.
Vicar Irene Cowell and wardens Andrew Willoughby and Ernie de Legh-Runciman are seeking possession of Bar George’s premises in St George’s Hall on Hill Street - which is located just across the road from the parish church.
Their claim is against Bar George Ltd and Damien Hawley, the address for both given as Second Avenue in Douglas.
A case management hearing is due to take place in the civil summary court on April 9 before Deputy High Bailiff Christopher Arrowsmith.
The claim is for outstanding rent due and owing under a lease dated February 2014 between the claimants and Reims Limited, which was subsequently assigned to Bar George Ltd in 2016 and made subject to a deed of confirmation in 2017.
A sum of £72,921 in unpaid rent for the period February 2019 to November 2024 is claimed against Bar George Ltd plus interest of £8,730 continuing at a rate of 4% or £13.48 a day.
The claim against Mr Hawley, as guarantor between December 2016 and February 2024, is for £50,921, plus interest of £8,875 continuing at a daily rate of £9.42.
Under the terms of the lease, Bar George Ltd was to pay annual rent of £42,000 from February 2018, rising to £44,000 in 2021 and then to £46,000 in 2022.
A demand served on behalf of the vicar and wardens last summer sought payment in full within seven days of £57,606 which was outstanding at that time, and comprised rent, insurance premiums as additional rent and interest.
Bar George made two payments of £1,250 in August but the claimants allege that the defendant failed to pay any part of the rent due in August and November that year.
A notice of forfeiture was served in September, stating that Bar George was in arrears in the sum of £61,421 in breach of the covenant to pay rent.
It stated that a reasonable time for remedying the breach was 14 days from September 12 and if the first defendant failed to pay within that time then the vicar and wardens would exercise their right of re-entry under the terms of the lease by issuing proceedings for possession.
With the outstanding sums not paid, a second notice of forfeiture was served later that same month, giving notice that the lease was forfeited.
The Diocese of Sodor and Man said this was not a diocesan matter.
The vicar and wardens of All Saint’s and St George’s said: ‘We are unable to comment. The matter is in the hands of our advocates.’
Bar George has been approached for a comment.