A Douglas councillor has had his membership revoked after failing to turn up to meetings at City Hall for three months in a row.

The council, meeting in private after Wednesday’s public sitting, ratified a decision to remove Frank Schuengel as councillor.

Under rules set by Tynwald, a local authority member is removed if they fail to attend meetings for three consecutive months.

The confirmation by the full council followed a decision by the authority’s executive committee, which had also met in private to discuss the matter.

Mr Schuengel, who is currently in Manila on business, admitted it was his fault and his work commitments abroad had to come first.

But he criticised the way he had not been informed about the meetings to discuss his absence or the decision to remove him.

He told IoM Today: ‘To a good degree it’s my fault. We have a rule that if you miss three meetings you can get removed.

‘I was given wrong information that’s it’s not automatic and if you miss more than three then the council gets to vote if you could stay in or not. I explained that I’m away on business a lot.

‘When I’m on the island I’m always attending, my record is quite good. But apparently it’s an automatic kick-me-out so I’m no longer a councillor.

‘Nobody told me anything or has been in touch in any way, shape or form - no message, no email, nothing. If I’m abroad our IT system is very restrictive and I can’t access any council papers. So I didn’t know. Another councillor told me otherwise I wouldn’t have known.

‘Naturally I sent an email to all other councillors when I found out that they were about to kick me out.

‘I asked them why nobody had been in touch saying “Hey Frank are you ok, are you aware you’re about to be in breach of this rule?” The council leader said it’s private and she can’t contact any members about their non-attendance as it’s a private matter. That makes no sense.

‘Essentially, it’s my fault, I don’t think there’s any way round it. I was away on business and my livelihood obviously comes first as much as I love the island and Douglas.’

In a statement, Douglas City Council thanked Frank Schuengel for his contribution to the local authority - but insisted he had been informed.

It said: ‘Under legislation set by Tynwald, a councillor’s membership is automatically revoked if they fail to attend three consecutive months of meetings.

‘Unfortunately, this requirement has been met, and the Council does not have the vires to decide otherwise so, as of March 12, Mr Schuengel ceased to be a member of the local authority.

‘During Wednesday’s Council meeting, members expressed their appreciation for his service since he was elected in July 2021. The local authority wishes him well for the future. ‘