Last week saw the focus on Port St Mary RNLI as its volunteers saved three men from a yacht in rough seas.
This week’s episode will focus on the Douglas crew going to the aid of a fishing boat that had suffered an engine fire. The two crew on the 16-metre fishing boat had advised the Coastguard that they had been able to extinguish a fire in their engine but were now immobile approximately five miles southeast of Douglas and required assistance.
Edd Christian, one of the volunteer coxswain at Douglas who will feature in the upcoming episode, said: ‘Following our fellow station at Port St Mary featuring this week, we look forward to continuing with another story from our island.
‘Our lifesaving work would not be possible without donations from the public, and we are proud to be able to represent the Isle of Man for the second time in the series.’
The RNLI was established by Sir William Hillary when he was living in Douglas, though the formal meeting for its creation was held in London. Either way, we’re claiming it, it’s ours.
The episode is on BBC2 at 8pm and if you missed the Port St Mary show, it’s on iPlayer.