Douglas RNLI is to get a temporary all-weather lifeboat to replace the current life-expired one, which will be withdrawn from service later this year.

The RNLI launched a review last year to determine the most appropriate lifeboat to serve Douglas - and where it should be based.

Tynwald was told that the current lifeboat station on Battery Pier has ‘operated beyond life expectancy’ and will most likely be demolished once the RNLI purchases a new vessel.

The station’s Mersey class all-weather boat has been stationed on a different berth near Victoria Pier, due to a safety issue with the winch in the old boathouse.

Now Douglas RNLI has been temporarily allocated a Trent class all-weather lifeboat to ensure continuity of service when the Mersey class lifeboat comes out of service.

The replacement of the Mersey with a Trent class lifeboat will be possible once the formal licence for use of the liner berth has been issued by the Department of Infrastructure.

The RNLI says it is continuing to work with the government to ensure continuation of operations from this berth. It is hoped the Trent class lifeboat will be operational in the spring.

Jo Partner, RNLI Head of Region, said: ‘The RNLI recognises the historic significance of Douglas alongside the current lifesaving impact the lifeboat station has in this region. Douglas will continue to provide a vital lifesaving service, and I want to reinforce our commitment to finding a solution that is absolutely right.

‘I would like to thank the Douglas RNLI crew for their invaluable input into the review. This interim solution provides a continuance of all-weather capability.

‘The RNLI will continue to work with the Isle of Man government to find a permanent solution to secure the long-term future of Douglas RNLI.’

Douglas’ Mersey lifeboat is one of only two remaining in the RNLI’s fleet.