A driver was so engrossed in using his mobile phone that he failed to notice two police cars and was still using it when he was finally stopped.

The motorist has been handed a £120 fixed penalty notice and four points on his licence after driving along the Mountain Road on Monday while using his phone.

Isle of Man Constabulary has warned motorists about the dangers of using a phone while driving, particularly during poor weather conditions.

Posting on Facebook, the road policing unit said: ‘We've stopped and issued a motorist with an endorsable fixed penalty notice this morning (four penalty points and £120 fine) for being so engrossed in his mobile phone that he drove past not one, but two marked police vehicles on different locations over the mountain road.

‘He was still using his phone when he was stopped by the police officer at the next location.

‘The conditions aren't great out there today, and are only likely to get worse, so being distracted by your phone could have serious consequences for you and others.

‘Put distractions away, make sure you have suitable lighting on your vehicle and keep your eyes on the road.’

The force has had a heavy presence on the Mountain Road since the start of the Manx Grand Prix weekend.

So far, one driver has had their car seized after ‘questionable overtaking’ while fines have also been issued for speeders and another motorist using their mobile phone while driving. Others have had their vehicle seized for having no tax.