The editor of the Isle of Man Today, Dion Jones, was the latest guest speaker at the Probus Club of Rushen.

Invited by members, he shared insights about his career and the role of Media Isle of Man, the owners of the Courier, during a special lunchtime event earlier this month.

Primarily composed of retired business and professional men, the Probus Club holds monthly meetings in Castletown featuring a diverse range of speakers.

This month’s lunch meeting was a pilot event, as the club traditionally meet in the evenings.

The Probus Club of Rushen provides retired professionals with the opportunity to meet monthly, fostering the psychological benefits of shared interests.

Speakers cover a wide array of topics, from tank warfare and China's history to sports and the arts.

Members' contributions enable the club to support the Rushen community through donations to charities, hospices, and recently, the Port Erin Arts Centre.

Following his presentation, Dion said: ‘I’d like to express my gratitude to members of the Probus Club of Rushen for the warm welcome.

Dion Jones during the presentation
Dion Jones during the presentation (-)

‘It was an honour to address members and speak about our work at Media Isle of Man and I thoroughly enjoyed the lively Q+A session with members following the talk.’

Rushen Club President, John Watterson, added: ‘We have a traditional club constitution but recognise the need to modernise.

‘Our January lunch meeting gained insights into the modern world of online and newsprint.

‘We hope the educational lunch format, rather than the older style of dinner and speech, will allow younger professionals on the island the chance during their working day to provide new views on a changing world, and to allow us to share our extensive members' experience.’

For more information on the Probus Club of Rushen, e-mail [email protected].