Andreas Primary School has created its own vegetable plot.
Growing its own produce, the school now has a ‘thriving’ gardening club, says head teacher Trish Dudley.
It has grown carrots, beetroots, onions, leeks, celery, garlic, parsnips and tomatoes, and has entered various vegetables into the Sulby and Ballaugh Horticultural Shows, The Kirk Andreas Produce Show and the Cronk-y-Voddy Ploughing Society Show.
Mrs Dudley said: ‘So far we have won three trophies with 13 firsts, six seconds and seven thirds.
‘We’ve also sold some of our vegetables in order to fund the continuation of the club.’
The plot was created in the garden area of the primary school with the help of commissioner Jackie Faragher.
Mrs Dudley also thanked the Farmers Combine, J.P. Corry and Island Aggregates for their ‘kind donations which got us started’.