An art competition for school-age children has been launched which aims to explore how to make the world a fairer place.

The world is split between the wealthy and the poor with some not even able to access basic food and shelter while many others miss out on education.

This year’s SDG Art Competition, launched by the One World Centre (Isle of Man), asks young people to think how we can make the world a fairer place.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to improve the global welfare of the planet, both environmentally and for the human population. There are 17 goals which include ending poverty and hunger, providing clean water and sanitation, promoting clean energy and tackling the climate issues.

This year’s SDG Art Competition addressed goal 10 which is ‘Reduced Inequalities’. Youngsters are being asked to create a poster calling for positive action on making life fairer for everyone, no matter where they live.

The competition is open to anyone of school age in the Isle of Man and follows on from the successful competition held last year which covered SDG2 Zero Hunger attracted more than 250 entries.

One World Centre coordinator Wendy Shimmin said: ‘The theme of this year’s competition gives everyone a chance to think about some of the ongoing inequalities in a world where the richest one percent own more than most of the rest of the world combined.

‘It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the inequalities caused by conflict and natural disaster as well as those created by prejudice and intolerance in our societies.

‘Young people usually have a very strong sense of fairness and justice so we’re hoping this year’s competition will be as popular as the last one and we’re looking forward to seeing all the entries.’

This year there are three entry classes: up to Year 6; Year 7 to Year 9 and Year 10 to Year 13. The winner of each class will receive a prize of creative vouchers to the value of £35. There will also be prizes of £15 in creative vouchers for the two runners up in each class.

Entries will be judged by a panel including One World Centre committee members and a representative from the Isle of Man Arts Council.

The closing date for the competition is Friday, July 19 and it is hoped the entries will feature in an exhibition later in the year. More details and an entry form can be found at