An extra three hours spare in John Lennon airport can go one of two ways in my opinion.

Either you go straight to the bar, or have a browse around some of the shops available.

Due to the fact it was 4am and I had a shift at the Terrace Chippy later that day at 11.30am, I decided it was in my best interest to pick option two.

Swiftly avoiding eye contact with the bar, I headed in the direction of Boots. I was dying of thirst and unsure whether this was down to the fact I had been drinking for a week straight, or possibly the new futuristic security system I had just been scanned through.

Collecting my overpriced bottle of water, my eyes scanned the book section. I had my episodes of ‘The Real Housewives’ downloaded and ready to go, but I decided having a look wouldn’t hurt. Besides, I had three hours to kill.

Reading numerous blurbs and putting them back neatly on the shelf, I locked eyes with a familiar title I had seen all over social media and heard various friends rave about.

‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ by Sarah J. Mass - the first book in a five part series.

The fantasy genre is not one I would usually gravitate towards - my top book recommendations are mainly in the realms of romance and the occasional Dolly Alderton title that reassures me the decisions I regret making in my 20s won’t alter the course of my life forever.

£9.99 later I had settled comfortably in a far corner of the airport and began reading.

I went into reading this book with high expectations.

The buzz from social media enlightened me of two things I should prepare for - my life was about to be imminently changed and I should stick with it as it can be a slightly slow read.

Feyre was my first introduction - a young woman fighting for survival in the human world.

Hunting to put food on the table for her family, her life is dull and depressing.

Ancient tales of ‘fairies’ and ‘immortality’ haunt the humans, although Feyre had never had a personal encounter with the mythical legends she had grown up hearing about.

Until she killed a wolf in the forest one day...

Throughout this book I was under the impression I had it together - how wrong was I.

At each plot twist and chapter I found myself reeling from what I was reading.

Each time I thought I was being kept in the loop of Feyres tumultuous journey into the fairies' lands, I was pleasantly reminded just how good of a writer Sarah. J Mass truly is.

Situations I didn’t even deem imaginable became reality - a land of lust, betrayal, danger and magic.

Of course, there were moments I had to take a break and regulate my emotions before I could carry on.

The fact I finished it in one day is a true ode to just how fabulous this book truly is.