One of the biggest events in Castletown’s events calendar proved a huge success in the sunshine.

The annual Picnic in the Park event was held earlier this month at Poulsom Park with plenty going on to entertain visitors.

The event included a frog race which saw more than 700 frogs poured into the Silverburn river. Castletown Festival also picked its queen for 2024 with Sophia Lawson taking the crown who will now represent the festival at the Confetti Carnival later this year.

There was live music from Castletown Metropolitan Silver band, Brendan McLoughlin and Nell Kneale alongside lots of dancing from Madhatters dance group, Just Dance South and Perree Bane Manx dancers. There was even a show of martial arts.

There were also dog competitions and races which visitors could enter with a cash prize for the winners.

The organiser hailed the event’s success posting on Facebook to say: ‘A big thank you to everyone who made Picnic in the Park a success!

‘We had an amazing time under the glorious weather and it wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you. A huge shoutout to all the stall holders, entertainers, food vendors, festival helpers, sponsors and our dedicated committee for making the day possible.

Castletown Festival Queen Sophia Lawson
Castletown Festival Queen Sophia Lawson (Castletown Festival)

‘We're thrilled to introduce our 2024 Festival Queen Sophia Lawson who will proudly represent us at this year's Confetti Carnival. A heartfelt thank you to our outgoing Festival Queen Lily McLoughlin Lowey for her incredible reign and contributions.

‘Congratulations to all the winners of the Frog Frolic – you truly leaped to victory! Thank you once again for joining us and making this event so special.’

The winners of the Frog Frole were: 1st Mark Harland; 2nd Steve Lomax and 3rd Gena Walker.

Festival chairman Rachael Harland was also delighted with how the event went.

She said: ‘There were lots of local Manx traders, face painting, glorious food and Manx Davisons ice cream to cool us all off. Thanks go to my wonderful committee who make the event happen and to our fabulous helpers who joined in and dedicated 100 per cent of their time to create a fun filled day for all the family.’

While the event was free, donations were accepted and money raised will go to organising this year’s Confetti Carnival.