Experienced tin bathletes clinched both the women’s and men’s races at this year’s World Tin Bath Championships.

In the men’s championship, Nick Cain and Tom Parry won their heats.

And it was previous winner Tom that went on to win the final too.

The 2023 World Tin Bath Championships in Castletown harbour - women’s tin bath championship final, pictured is winner Abigail Morgan (No106)

The men’s race included Dave Kelly in a tin bath which paid tribute to the 150th anniversary of the Isle of Man Steam Railway.

Meanwhile, in the women’s championship, Abigail Morgan went one better than last year to reclaim the title.

The snake race was won by Southern Young Farmers, who fought off competition from three other Young Farmers’ teams.

The 2023 World Tin Bath Championships in Castletown harbour - the second snake race

The event is Castletown Ale Drinkers Society’s flagship event of the year and raises thousands of pounds for good causes in the island.

Press officer Cheryl Killey Myers said: ‘If you weren’t with us, you missed seeing the chair of Castletown Commissioners dance down the catwalk before taking a dip, the Radio Waves and the Red Sparrows taking to the skies, a monumental Mexican wave, and a new Lord of Mann staging a coup!’

She said each of the tin bath races was ‘hotly contested and hilarious’ and the snake races were ‘spectacular’ too.

Cheryl thanked everyone who had made the event possible.