Anyone who has heard singer Mandy Griffin in action will know she has an incredible voice.
Yet she was told when she was younger that she shouldn’t sing.
Mandy, who is a singing teacher and choir leader, told Island Life she has heard many horror stories from people being told by an authority figure as a child that they can’t sing or should mime.
The comments had stayed with them until adulthood.
‘I’ve worked with a number of singers in my private sessions who have been told similar and have spent their whole lives not singing and yet something has inspired them to get in touch about singing lessons - a hugely brave step,’ Mandy said.
‘I’ve yet to find anyone who hasn’t been able to find their voice and the incredible thing is that confidence that comes from learning that, yes, you can do this then can also start to spill over into other parts of their lives too.’
Mandy announced a first You Can Sing course starting November, and she was astonished at how quickly it booked up.
The aim of the course is to help people find their voice and gain confidence.
Now she’s offering a second six-week course, which will run on consecutive Fridays from January 5 to February 9.
The sessions run from 7pm to 8pm at St Andrew’s Church, in Glencrutchery Road, Douglas.
It’s aimed primarily at adults but all ages are welcome to attend.
Students in compulsory school education would need to be accompanied by an adult.
The course costs £50. For more information or to book, email [email protected]