A scientist who became e Methodist Church minister will be the guest speaker at the next Island Spirituality Network (ISN) meeting this month.

The event will take place on Saturday, June 15 at St John’s Mill from 10am-1pm with the Reverend Dr Janet Corlett to lead a session called “Hidden Treasures - Spirituality and Manx Identity”. 

Janet returned to the island in 2022 to take up her post as Chair of IOM Methodist District and Circuit Superintendent. 

She is Manx by birth and is proud of her heritage. She is passionate about promoting the Manx Gaelic and Manx culture.

Her scientific training and subsequent call to ordination have taken her to many parts of the world.  She began her career as a scientist in agricultural research in the Philippines, India, Italy and Zimbabwe.  

She was later called to ordination and the Methodist ministry which took her to even mor places, serving as a minister in London, Honduras and West Yorkshire before returning to the island in 2022. She also represents the Methodist Church in Britain at the World Council of Churches’ Commission for Mission and Evangelism.

ISN Secretary Catherine Quirk said: ‘Janet is passionate about encouraging and enabling everyone to connect with God, deepening our love for each other and for all creation and working for peace and justice, all imperatives within Celtic spiritual traditions. 

‘She is also keen to promote Manx Gaelic in worship and has organised regular bilingual services in collaboration with Manx speakers, poets and singers.  These services offer a space where the native language of the island is spoken, heard and sung and where community comes together. 

‘Her session will be an innovative and imaginative so come along and learn more about these “Hidden Treasures”.’ 

Anyone is welcome to attend the session with a suggested donation of £10.