Isle of Man arts charity ‘Arts Aid’ has partnered with the ‘Sovereign Arts Foundation’ (SAF) to strengthen its offering to the island’s youngsters.

Arts Aid, which was established in 2018 with foundation funding from the Isle of Man Arts Council, offers financial assistance to island students seeking to further their education and development in the arts.

The partnership with the SAF will allow the Manx charity to take ‘an even closer look’ at all aspects of the arts as it continues to support talented locals.

While Arts Aid awards annual scholarships, the SAF holds a student art competition in the island each year, with cash prizes for students and worldwide exhibitions which raise thousands of pounds for charity.

Director at Sovereign Trust Ltd, Anna Lowey, said the partnership is ‘testament’ to its commitment to foster creativity and advance education.

She said: ‘The collaboration between the SAF and Arts Aid makes me feel exceptionally proud and fulfilled, knowing we’re contributing to our local community by supporting these students in pursuing their artistic passions.’

Mark Denton, the chairman of Arts Aid, added: ‘Our first criterion is always exceptional talent.

‘After that, it’s about levelling the playing field in terms of opportunity, with awards intended to ease the financial burden on young people and, in some cases, make the difference as to whether a student can take up a course or not.

‘We look forward to partnering with the Sovereign Trust who match our own ambitions.’

If you wish to find out more about Arts Aid or funding applications, you can visit