A trumpet player from the Isle of Man has published a book which highlights the details and history of the instrument.

Russell Gilmour, who grew up in Onchan and attended St Ninian’s High School, is an acclaimed trumpeter who has played at the BBC Proms, Leipzig Bach Festival, and the Handel festivals in Göttingen, Halle, and London.

The book, which was published at the start of August and is titled ‘Just Natural Trumpet’, takes the reader through the acoustics, playing techniques and repertoire of the instrument, with its history, symbolism and distinctive intonation also being explained.

An online description of the book on Russell’s website reads: ‘This practical introduction to the natural trumpet without finger holes begins with a thorough guide to the instrument inspired by the latest acoustical and pedagogical research.

‘The reader is then taken on a lavishly illustrated chronological journey through the repertoire from the late Renaissance to the dawn of the Romantic era, with abundant historical examples that have been carefully chosen to help the reader develop experience and finesse as a natural trumpet player.’

While growing up in Onchan, Russel had a keen interest in music from a very young age and joined the Onchan Silver Band at the age of five.

He then had trumpet lessons at St Thomas Primary School with Steve Wortley from the Isle of Man Music Service, and continued lessons with him until he left St Ninian’s High School to study at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester at the age of 18.

Talking about his musical upbringing on the island, Russel said: ‘The high-quality music lessons I had while I was at school in the island were fantastic, and learning to play an instrument has had a huge impact on my life.

‘Aptly, the last quote in my book is from Steve Wortley and I was very proud to be able to mention my Manx roots in the book acknowledgements too.

‘As well as having trumpet lessons, I also enjoyed playing in many Manx groups, bands, orchestras and ensembles, such as the Manx Youth Orchestra (under Bernard Osborne and Graham Kirkland), the Isle of Man Wind Orchestra (under Paul Dunderdale) and Onchan Silver Band (under Gordon Astill, Juan Wright, and Paul Dunderdale).

‘I used to fill my free time by helping other bands and ensembles too, and I don’t think my diary has ever been busier than when I lived on the Isle of Man! It was great preparation for becoming a professional musician.’

Russell recently played at the BBC Proms with fellow Manx trumpeter Sam Kinrade on August 21.

The performance at the Royal Albert Hall with the Aurora Orchestra, of Beethoven’s ninth symphony, was broadcast live on BBC Radio and is now available on BBC iPlayer.

‘Just Natural Trumpet’, which costs £45, is not available to purchase in bookstores in the island, but can be ordered and posted online from www.justnaturaltrumpet.com