Manx Embroiderers and Stitchers’ latest exhibition, All Stitched Up!, opens tomorrow (Friday) at Quayle’s Hall, in Ramsey.
The exhibition, which is open until Sunday, is a collection of stitched work by 20 members of the group.
Exhibition organiser Helen Sargent told Island Life: ‘The stitched exhibits on display are a mixture of members’ creative individual designs as well as work completed at tutored workshops since the formation of this stitching group in 2021.
‘Various themes and traditional stitching techniques include formal counted stitches, embroidery stitches, crewel work, goldwork, beading, upholstery, patchwork and applique.
‘Some pieces were created by hand, some by machine, and some combined the two techniques.
‘Also on display are more contemporary mixed media pieces including dyed natural fabrics and threads with free machine work or hand stitching.
‘The display includes items made at workshops, led by both talented locals and visiting creative professionals.’
The stitching group also completes inclusive group projects for those who wish to be involved. These have ranged from a name banner to dolls and fabric chocolates.
Manx Embroiderers and Stitchers is a group of like-minded creative people. It currently has 40 members who meet monthly for talks and workshops in Douglas.
The group also meets monthly for social stitching sessions held at cafes at other venues across the island.
The group aims to host at least one visiting tutor-led workshop each year.
Helen explained: ‘Our most recent visiting professional was Jay Hooper, who designs for Stitch magazine, who created a bespoke design inspired by Manx Celtic crosses which was made into a felt embroidery needle case.
‘We have also bought over Royal School of Needlework tutors in the past.’
She explained the group’s aims were to encourage people to stitch in a friendly, non-judgemental environment, saying: ‘Nobody worries what the back looks like!’
Helen added: ‘The mental health benefits of creative arts and crafts have been well established and we hope to help people find their own path and style. Of course, socialising with like-minded people and cake also play a part.’
All the details of the group’s workshops and meetings can be found online at and on the Manx Embroiderers & Stitchers Facebook page.
All Stitched Up! is open at Quayle’s Hall, in Ramsey, from tomorrow (Friday) to Sunday, 10am to 4pm. Free entry.