The show, Magic, takes place at Peel Centenary Centre on Saturday (April 29) and promises to be an evening of fun, illusion and mystery.
Magicians of Mann secretary Lexi Dernie said: ‘It is going to be a fantastic and magical event for all the family.’
Ros Beaumont will be compere for the evening and will also perform some magic.
Chris Burns as Cookie the Clown, a well-known and well-loved entertainer, will be up to his usual shenanigans.
Giles Beaumont will delight the audience with his card magic and Juan Corrin will be back to wow with his trickery.
Mike Daniels will be introducing a new nutty professor routine while Paul Martin will be accompanied by his mind-blowing mind reading goose!
Colin Boardman, another well-known island magician, will also be performing.
Saturday’s show starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £10 and are available online at and from Celtic Gold, in Peel. Half of the proceeds from the event will go to the Friends of the Peel Centenary Centre.