The White Boys staged four performances across the island on Saturday - with a few changes to the script.

The play sees knights fighting and killing one another before being resurrected by a doctor, after which there is a song and a dance.

St Andrew was introduced as a character instead of St Patrick for this year’s performances, to accommodate Jimmy Thistle’s accent.

And a popular adjustment to the script meant that the Doctor had not come ‘From France, from Spain, from Rome,’ but instead had sailed in on The Manxman from South Korea.

The troupe, from Peel, have been performing together for five years and featured Matilda Watson (Mac Man), Jimmy Thistle (St Andrew), Finn Franklin (Devil Doubt), Becky Traynor (The Doctor), Nicola Tooms (St Maughold) and Cori Philips (St George).

It was the first year for two of the actors, Jimmy as well as Finn, aged 12.

They performed outside Cannan Court, Kirk Michael, outside the old courthouse in Ramsey and then in Peel, first in Michael Street and then at The Black Dog Oven.

Musicians changed for the performances but included Eric Maggs, Jo Callister, Paul Helps, Niamh Milsom, Caitlin Bennett, Ali Caroon, Paul Callister, Laura Rowles, Dave Rowles, Chloe Woolley and Frank Joughin.

The White Boys raised just under £300 for Motiv8.

Historical play scripts date back to 1832. The White Boys are named after their distinctive clothing.

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