An open mic poetry night is set to be held as part of the events lined up for the ‘Museum of the Moon’ exhibition at Peel Cathedral.

The evening, which will take place on Saturday, February 22 at 8pm, has been organised as part of a collaborative effort between the Manx Bard Jordanne Kennaugh, the Isle of Man Poetry Society and the Manx Litfest.

All creative events as part of the Museum of the Moon have been supported and sponsored by the Isle of Man Arts Council’s Extraordinary Events Fund, with the poetry open mic night being free to attend.

The evening is open to all poets, along with any who wish to simply come and listen to the readings.

The night is moon-themed, with any poems on this theme set to be read first and followed by poetry on any subject.

There will be refreshments provided and prizes up for grabs for the top poems, which will be chosen by the audience and the compere.

As well as the evening open mic session, there will also be two writing workshops held earlier on the same day at Peel Cathedral.

A poetry writing workshop for rookies will take place from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, while the ‘veteran’ writing class will begin at 5pm and end at 6.30pm.

Both workshops will also be moon-themed and will cost £5 to get involved with all proceeds going towards the Manx Litfest 2025.

To book tickets for the creative writing workshops, you can do so by visiting

The current Manx Bard Jordanne Kennaugh, who is involved with both workshops at the open mic night, has also highlighted an exciting opportunity for poetry lovers in the island this weekend.

Jordanne said: ‘The Isle of Man Poetry Society also has its annual general meeting this Sunday at 7.30pm at the Archibald Knox, followed by the usual monthly Sunday pop-in session.

‘It's a really relaxed atmosphere - attendees sit around a table and take turns reading and discussing their own poems or the work of others, and there is always a break for cake in the middle of the meeting!

‘It's the perfect opportunity to get involved in the poetry community in the island and connect with other poets.’

If you wish to find out more about the Poetry Society, you can do so by visiting