The Island Spirituality Network is set to reconvene in January with a special talk from Reverend Andy Fishburne.

Based in the Isle of Man, the Island Spirituality Network has been offering a programme of regular meetings since November 2007 exploring all aspects of prayer and spiritual development, and is open to people of any denomination, or none.

Taking place on Saturday January 11 from 10am to 1pm at St John’s Mill, Reverend Fishburne’s focus for the morning will be that of ‘creative thinking’.

A spokesperson from the Spirituality Network said: ‘Andy will discuss how the church can (but often doesn’t) use God’s methods. This session will invite us to rediscover our innate creativity, recognising how many of us lose touch with that creative instinct over time.

‘Together, we’ll explore four key elements of the creative process and reflect on how Jesus exemplified each one. We’ll also consider how these insights can inspire us to more fully embody the calling of the Creator God’s church in our current context.’

Reverend Fishburne is a discipleship and faith formation officer for the Methodist Church in Britain.

As part of the ‘Evangelism and Growth’ team, he works to bring the ‘God for All’ strategy to life, equipping Christians to deepen their discipleship and share their faith. He also develops strategy and resources, and delivers training in worship, theology, and prayer.

Everyone has been invited to attend the meeting, with donations of £10 being suggested by the organisers to cover costs.

Previous Island Spirituality Network meetings have included a variety of guest speakers, such as Reverend Chris Lane, Reverend Sharon Grenham-Thompson and Reverend Isabelle Hamley.

The topics covered in the meetings have ranged from ‘stories from urban ministry and the Gospel of Luke’, ‘Franciscan spirituality and the call of Francis’, as well as the theme of mental health within the church.