Tourist attractions in the Isle of Man have been featured in a book about car-free adventures to complete in the UK.

‘Walk Britain’ by Elise Downing encourages readers to get out and explore stunning locations mainly across England, Scotland and Wales, featuring 90 routes you can complete on foot without using a car.

All accessible by public transport, the routes vary in length and difficulty, from multi-day adventures (such as Ra any Foillan) to loops you can do before breakfast (such as Dhoon Glen and Snaefell).

The book also aims to limit the amount of car journeys and to ‘make a real impact on congestion and pollution’.

Downing hopes that the book will demonstrate the wealth of opportunities for car-free adventures in the UK and act as a ‘starting point’ for planning your own escapes.

She said: ‘The most important thing for me was to make choosing to go car-free seem more fun, rather than a huge sacrifice.

‘Who doesn’t want to spend more of their holiday reading a book on the train or enjoying a worry-free post-adventure pint in the pub, and less time stuck in traffic or looking for parking spots?

‘It’s not an all or nothing missive against ever driving anywhere (I still do!) but instead a collection of what I think are genuinely brilliant routes, while also hopefully being more accessible for the fact you don’t need a car to get to them.

‘I think there's often a misconception that more remote spots are completely inaccessible without driving to them, but we actually have a relatively good public transport network here in the UK.

‘I really wanted to put together a book which showcases some of my absolute favourite running and walking routes, which also happen to be accessible by public transport.

‘Whether somebody doesn't own a car, is trying to be a little more environmentally minded or simply wants to spend less of their free time behind a wheel, I hope this book will provide some inspiration for places to go and things to see.’

Downing is known for running 5,000 miles self-supported around the British coast.

301 days on the trail and 200 marathons later, she was not only the youngest person but also the only female to have completed the challenge.

‘Coasting’, the book about her journey, was published in July 2021.

‘Walk Britain’ is available to pre-order by visiting