It is hard to believe but Linda Caulfield was so shy she had to be coaxed on to the stage by her proud dad.

But since performing that first time the singer, known as Little Miss Dynamite has not looked back.

Linda, who lives in Ramsey, has now become the longest performing entertainer in Manx history, having reached a staggering 50-year anniversary.

Linda may now be 72 years old but she shows no signs of slowing down and is renowned for her energetic performances. She spoke to Isle of Man Today about her long and colourful career.

‘When I was told I was the longest serving Manx entertainer in history, I was blown away,’ she said.

‘It all started in the 70s. I would go out with my family and my dad would try and get me up on stage but, believe it or not, I was shy back then.

‘I then ended up entering a competition at Douglas Head which I won. I then got a manager and Tom Valley, who owned the Falcon Cliff Hotel, approached me and I started performing there each week and then daily during the summer.’

Linda had a hiatus from singing when she got married and only returned to the scene after she got divorced.

‘When I got married I stopped for a while,’ she explained. ‘I wondered if anyone would be interested in watching a 40-year-old singer but the reception I got was amazing.

‘It is now busier than ever for me although the music scene is quieter than it used to be. That said, there are some fantastic talent and brilliant bands out there.’

Linda shows no sign of slowing down although she does have her moments.

‘Sometimes I can’t be bothered,’ she said. ‘but as soon as I get up on stage something in me changes and then I am flying. I often sing for two-and-a-half to three hours and I get told that is too much! But I still have the energy.

‘I do have arthritis in both hips now so I rest. But I go to the gym which I love and go on walks every day.’

A key to Linda’s longevity is not to put too much pressure on herself and just go out and enjoy it.

‘I don’t take myself too seriously,’ she admits. ‘I’m more of an entertainer than a singer in some ways. I don’t care if I am playing in front of 20 people or 200 so long as they leave entertained.

‘For me, it is a party. It is more of a challenge getting people out because the price of drinks is ridiculous now, so you need to give them a reason to go out. It is a shame really. In the 70s and 80s Douglas prom was chocka and every hotel had something on but it isn’t like that anymore.’

Linda has a large repertoire of songs she can perform but there are some she performs most nights.

‘I love Fleetwood Mac and I love singing The Salt in My Tears by Dolly Parton which is one of my favourites,’ she said. ‘I always get asked to do From Paris to Berlin as well.

‘I think my best gig was back in the 70s with a gala at the Palace with around 300 people. But I have done other stuff such as backing vocals for Rik Wakeman at Peel Castle.’

Linda says she has not had any terrible gigs that have stood out but does have one regret.

‘I honestly can’t think of any bad gigs,’ she said. ‘But one regret I have is not singing with Jarvis Cocker. I know his mum and I was invited to go and sing with him but I was busy over here at the time. My dream would be to sing with Elton John or Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters.

So, does Linda have any plans to lay down the mic and enjoying a quiet life?

‘I still love what I do,’ she said. ‘I will keep going until people are fed up of me.’

To mark her 50th anniversary, Linda will hold a concert titled ‘I’m Still Standing’ at the Villa Marina on July 20 with support from Bahuki and Dirty Bertie and the Sherberts. Money raised will go to Hospice.

Linda Caulfield in her early days as a singer
Linda Caulfield in her early days as a singer (Linda Caulfield)

Linda Caulfield with Rick and Nina Wakeman
Linda Caulfield with Rick and Nina Wakeman (Linda Caulfield)
Linda Caulfield hanging out with comedian Jim Davidson
Linda Caulfield hanging out with comedian Jim Davidson (Linda Caulfield)
Linda Caulfield singing at the start of her career in the 1970s
Linda Caulfield singing at the start of her career in the 1970s (Linda Caulfield)
Linda Caulfield is known for her energetic performances
Linda Caulfield is known for her energetic performances (Linda Caulfield)
Linda Caulfield, better known as Little Miss Dynamite, is still going strong after 50 years
Linda Caulfield, better known as Little Miss Dynamite, is still going strong after 50 years (Dave Kneale / Media IoM)