The World Tin Baths Championship is set to return for its 53rd edition on Saturday afternoon in Castletown harbour.

All the usual races and entertainment will take place, including men’s and women’s tin bath races, snake races and solo flying attempts.

We caught up with the organisers of the event, the Castletown Ale Drinker’s Society, to find out the answers to all the burning questions ahead of this weekend’s showpiece.

Where will the 2024 World Tin Bath Championships happen?

At the Middle Harbour in Castletown. Roads close at 1pm and the fun begins at 2pm.

The last WTBC was in July, why isn’t this one?

We have to select the best high tide. And, we exist to raise funds for good causes, so we avoid clashing with other charitable events.

This is your 53rd event – are the baths still sea-worthy?

They were designed to keep water in, so they are hardy, but rust eventually becomes an issue. New ones are hard to find, and expensive, so if you have a spare, we’d love to give it a home. Sinking is part of the fun - but the brilliant Sub-Aqua team and the RNLI keep everyone safe.

Is it too late to take part?

Not at all! The more the merrier. Go to to sign up.

If you’re not competing, should you still go?

Yes - it’s fun! The cheers give our competitors a huge boost. And it’s not just Tin Baths, there are snake racing teams, man powered flights and chaotic stunts too. There’ll be food, drinks and sunshine (hopefully). Castletown is the perfect place for an after-party too - the square is a great place to relax, and our friendly local hostelries will be delighted to welcome you.

If you pay to come in, are you funding ale drinking?

You couldn’t afford it! Joking aside, all of the entry fees are passed on to good causes on the Isle of Man. This year, 50% will be donated to Isle Listen.

How do you decide who to pass donations on to?

As a society, we have freedom to choose. Though we often support registered charities, our contributions are wide-ranging. From a dance club needing mirrors, kits for a children’s team, safety equipment for the Billown circuit, or a sick child who needs a special bed, the list is endless - any islander can reach out. Some write, others state their case in person. Members discuss requests received, nominate worthy causes, then cast their votes.

Are the Tin Baths your only event?

It’s our flagship event, but no. We have regular events, and sometimes support other organised events too. We’ve been known to bowl, sing, Hunt the Wren, quiz, walk and swim among other things. You can follow us on Facebook to find out what we’re getting up to next.

You’re based in Castletown – do your events just benefit the South?

Not at all, we’re here to aid the whole island. Look for our plaques on the Queen’s Pier in Ramsey.