The many benefits of having a hobby or passion will be highlighted with a new variety show taking place at the Gaiety Theatre next month.

Young Stars of Mann, organised by young persons’ mental health charity Isle Listen, will showcase live performances by talented young people living in the island and is a celebration of them pursuing their passions.

Isle Listen sees first-hand the challenges that younger generations face in the 21st century, and often, and says what gets people through the tough times is doing the things they love.

Emma Callin, the charity’s head of income development, said: ‘One of our main aims is to empower young people on our island with the skills to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.

‘There are so many things we can do to promote positive mental health, such as participating in the arts, as well as physical activity, any sort of hobby, or talking to a trusted friend.

‘We’re thrilled that our Young Stars of Mann variety show will showcase the wealth of talent that exists amongst our island’s young people who are pursuing their passions.’

Young Stars of Mann takes place on Thursday, July 27.

The compere for the evening will be well-known performer Jack Divers, who is a passionate supporter of positive mental health and wellbeing. The line-up will include Orry Wilson, who was last year named Young Actor of Mann in the Manx Amateur Drama Federation competition.

Eve Puzzar, who was named Young Singer of Mann at the annual competition held at the Erin Arts Centre, in Port Erin, after impressing judges with her emotive, controlled performance will also perform.

There will be poetry from Manx Youth Bard Hadassah Smith, whose three submitted poems impressed judges at the final in March.

And some of the top youth performers from this year’s Guild will also take to the stage, including Sheffield Plate winner singer Penny Lavery.

Eject, the winners of the Battle of Bands competition held at Peel’s Centenary Centre in March, will play.

And there will be dancing from juvenile ballroom champions Amelie Jackson and Joseph Delaney.

The pair, who have been dance partners for four years, won the Juvenile Classical Sequence Championship, at the Blackpool Junior Dance Festival, in April.

Other confirmed acts will be Manx Youth Band and Trinity Dance School.

Young Stars of Mann is sponsored by Simcocks.

The event starts at 7.30pm on July 27. Tickets cost from £17.50 for adults and from £15 for over 65s and under 16s. Family tickets are also available.

Book online at, call the box office on 600555 or call into the Welcome Centre at the Sea Terminal.