The Mountain Road, from Ramsey to the Creg Ny Baa, will be closed from 6.30pm to 10pm each evening from Monday, August 5, through to Friday, August 9.

These closures are scheduled to facilitate seasonal verge cutting along the route.

In addition to verge maintenance, the Department of Infrastructure (DoI) will also repair a parapet wall on one of the bridges on the Mountain Mile, which was recently damaged in a road traffic collision.

Originally the Department said the closures were from Ramsey to the Tholt-y-Will, however they’ve since updated it to the full length of the Mountain Road to the Creg Ny Baa.

Access to Creg Ny Baa will be available throughout these works from Douglas and the Creg Ny Baa Back Road. The DoI has provisionally scheduled additional evening closures for the following week in case the primary dates are unusable.

If weather conditions prevent operations on any given evening, the closure for that day will be lifted.

The DoI assured that vehicular access to parking at the Bungalow Tram Station and Victory Café will be maintained via the A14 Tholt-y-Will Road during the closure periods.

‘These works are being done out of hours to minimise the impact on commuter and commercial traffic to and from Ramsey and the north,’ a DoI spokesperson said.