A dispute has broken out between a local charity and Marown Parish Commissioners over the future of the only public toilet in the parish, located at Marown Memorial Playing Fields in Crosby.

Marown Memorial Playing Fields Committee (MMPF), an independent charity run by volunteers, has stated it cannot afford to take on the responsibility for the facility after the Commissioners proposed transferring ownership to them at no cost.

The committee argues it has received no financial support from the local authority for several years, despite multiple requests for assistance with maintaining and upgrading the playing fields facilities.

The toilet, situated next to the Hall Caine Pavilion, has been closed recently due to a broken door, with the Commissioners currently arranging a replacement.

However, the local authority has now stated that it no longer wishes to manage the facility, citing in a letter that ‘the vast majority of its users are those who play bowls, football, cricket, or otherwise use the playing fields or its buildings.’

The public toilet is currently out of use
The public toilet is currently out of use (-)

The MMPF Committee strongly opposes the move, arguing that the toilet is a vital public convenience not only for sports participants but also for other members of the community.

In a public statement issued online, the charity said: ‘The current Board of Marown Commissioners are no longer willing to fund the running of the only public toilet in the Parish.

‘They have asked that Marown Memorial Playing Fields take on the responsibility.

‘Although the toilet is situated on our property, it is utilised not only by users of the Playing Fields but by numerous other members of the community and would be a great loss to the Parish.’

The committee also highlighted that it already covers the electricity and water costs for the toilet, adding that without financial support from the Commissioners, they are unable to take on the additional burden of running the facility.

Marown Commissioners have managed a public convenience in the parish for over 30 years, but their decision to relinquish responsibility follows their departure from the Hall Caine Pavilion office in summer 2024.

Previously, public toilets were located at the top of Old Church Road, near the play park which has recently been renovated by the MMPF committee.

With local authority elections approaching, the MMPF Committee is urging residents to raise the issue with prospective candidates, warning that losing the facility would negatively impact the entire community.

‘It is vital we retain a public toilet in the Parish,’ the committee said.

Marown Commissioners have been approached for a response.