A total of 14 managerial posts have been created across Manx Care since it was launched in 2021.

The overall costs of these new roles was £802,862 per year.

Details were given in a written answer to a Tynwald question from Onchan MHK Julie Edge.

She asked what recent increase there has been in management at Manx Care and requested a breakdown of roles and costs.

Manx Care’s budget has risen from £269.4m in 2021 to £346.8m in the current year.

The Tynwald reply listed the 14 new roles which include a head of vaccine services (Covid response), MCALs manager, information governance compliance manager, head of performance & improvement and head of risk & compliance.

Other new management positions include health & safety advisor, corporate improvement plan project manager, head of business intelligence, head of commissioning, communications manager, contract & performance manager, head of emergency planning and infrastructure manager.

Also listed is an HR Business Partner - with a note that this post sat in the Office of Human Resources, funded by Manx Care, and has been disestablished since September 30 this year.

Manx Care received an extra £43m in its budget this year, in part funded by a 2p increase in the higher rate of income tax.

But the organsation has introduced a £5m package of further cost saving measures after facing a predicted £16.8m budget overspend in the current financial year.

Measures to be taken include putting off non-urgent off-island procedures for potentially up to 200 Manx patients until the next financial year, keeping Ramsey’s Minor Injuries Unit closed at weekends, and changing out-of-hours on-call arrangements in adult social work.

The overspend is being blamed on spiralling drug costs, higher reliance on specialist treatments and procedures being carried out in the UK, and pay settlements.

Chief executive Teresa Cope said: ‘None of this is easy. Taking this level of savings out of any organisation is incredibly challenging.’