Two charity fundraisers from England are aiming to navigate the length of the Isle of Man with two of their legs tied together.

Friends Andy McMillan and Graham Wright set off from the Point of Ayre early this morning (Saturday) on their ‘three-legged’ challenge with the aim of making it all the way to the Sound by this evening.

The pair are undertaking the walk in aid of charity Depaul UK, which helps young people who are homeless, at risk and disadvantaged.

The duo decided to embark on this latest fundraiser for the organisation after being inspired by the triskelion on the Manx flag.

Explaining their decision the duo added: ‘Why? Well the flag has three legs. So what else would you do here?

‘It's about 60km, 2,000ft of elevation and we have no idea how hard this will be or how long it will take.’

So far the pair have raised £190 of their £250 target. To sponsor them visit their gofundme page at