Port St Mary Commissioners is to consult with residents over the future of the village’s nine-hole golf course.

The current lease for the course is up for renewal at the end of September.

A consultation document will be issued to every house in the area over the coming week, the consultation running for a period of eight weeks until March 7.

After that the results will then be collated, reported to the commissioners and published.

In a statement about the consultation, commissioners’ clerk Hayley Fargher stressed no decisions on the future of the course have already been taken and that there is no intention to develop or sell the land for housing.

The clerk added: ’This consultation is designed to identify a range of opinions to assist the board in the decision making process.

’Should the outcome be that there is overwhelming support for the course to remain, the question is being asked as to what extra facilities residents would like to see provided there.

’However, should residents wish to see the land used for other recreational activities, they are again being asked to submit ideas for what they would like to see.’

The chair of the commissioners, Bernadette Williams said: ’The board would like to engage with the residents of the village to see where their passions and interests lie and to ensure that we are not just rolling over leases but exploring all options for the benefit and future of the village. The board are really excited to see the responses from the consultation, be it that additional and improved facilities are required at the golf course, or that the residents would like to see a new direction taken with regards to recreational activities on the land.’

Public one-two-one drop-in sessions with a commissioner and the clerk to answer any queries prior to completing the consultation will be held in the East Room (old office) at the Town Hall on Wednesday, January 26 between 10am and midday and on Tuesday, February 1 between 2 and 4pm.