The parent company of Isle of Man Energy has said it is 'disappointed' in government's move to create legal powers that could prevent disconnection of some customers.

In a statement Island Energy Group said: ' Isle of Man Energy has been working closely with the OFT to ensure that vulnerable customers are identified, and disconnections do not impact this group. This process is working well, and we will continue to work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure most in need are looked after. 

'Disconnections are a tool of last resort and only take place where a customer refuses to engage on paying their bill. Ceasing supply to a customer that has not paid their bill is right and fair, and very normal.

Jo Cox, Chief Executive Officer of Island Energy said: 'We are very happy to work with the government and regulator to protect our vulnerable customers during the winter period and would recommend that we engage in a voluntary agreement similar to the UK and Ireland. 

'It is disappointing to us that the Isle of Man Government has taken this unnecessary measure rather than seeking to engage us in a collaborative way to find an agreeable solution. '

She added: 'These changes need to be properly considered, have appropriate Government funding and resources to support the Island’s vulnerable residents, and we need to ensure that this is commercially viable to deliver. While the aims of the new bill are understandable, it has not been properly consulted on, and is not specific enough on what constitutes a vulnerable customer, what process will replace disconnection as the means of last resort for Isle of Man Energy and many other details. It also does not include other energy suppliers in the Isle of Man and is therefore anti-competitive.'

 Isle of Man Energy says it looks forward to working with the Government to ensure that the most vulnerable are protected.

A spokesperson added: 'We encourage all customers that have received disconnection notices to get in touch where we will work out realistic payment plans to ensure that they can cover their usage.'

You can find out more about the government's urgent legislation here.