You’ve got to be in it to win it, as the saying goes and now is the time to get your entries in for November’s Media Isle of Man Awards for Excellence.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to showcase your business, whatever its size, or your community organisation. It’s free to take part and you can enter online.

There are 16 wide ranging categories and you can enter more than one category.

The awards are judged by an independent panel, all highly respected and representing different areas and sectors of island life.

So what are they looking for? What makes a winning entry?

This year will be Deb Byron’s 17th year on the awards judging panel. After a 35-year career in digital and cyber security in the financial services sector she now sits as a non-executive director on a number of boards, including the Isle of Man Government Digital Agency and the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce.

She said: ‘We’re looking really for evidence of excellence, particularly in recent years, so something they have done in the last 18 months – two years.

‘One of the key things is that there are criteria for each category and we are looking for those criteria to be answered. And ideally some facts with supporting evidence, how turnover has grown, or head count are always useful.

‘Make sure you grab the judges’ attention early on – wow them with excellence so they want to read on.’

The judges will choose a winner and two finalists in each of the award categories. All the finalists will be announced before the event and all of them will take part in a professional video shoot that will be shown on the awards night.

The winners will not be announced till the evening itself, which this year is on Thursday, November 21.

What does it feel like to win?

Island Escapes won the Award for Excellence in customer service at last year’s awards, beating a number of much larger businesses.

Managing director, John Keggin, said: ‘I would encourage other small to medium size businesses to enter because it isn’t just a corporate takeover, there are lots of opportunities for small businesses that can showcase what they have to offer and what they’re doing.’

The learning charity, Love Tech, won the Education and Learning Initiative of the Year Award.

Lisa Karran, from Love Tech, added: ‘The whole team is over the moon.’

If you want a chance to get that winning feeling, go to where you will find information on all this year’s award categories and can enter online.

The closing date for all entries is Thursday, September 12.