The Department of Infrastructure is deploying gritters to the island's roads tonight with wintry weather expected.

The fleet is expected on the island's main roads from 6pm.

A spokesperson for the department's highway services team added: 'We have other crews briefed and ready to further grit from early hours of tomorrow morning in accordance with the directions of our duty officer who will deploy gritters in response to the prevailing conditions.

'Please note that some routine maintenance work will be paused tomorrow as staff will be redeployed to overnight or early-morning gritting duties.

'In some cases (such as patch repairs/paving) the weather is not likely to be conducive to successfully laying asphalt.

'Please drive to the conditions and allow a little extra time for your journeys whilst the colder weather persists.'

The Met Office had earlier reissued a yellow weather warning for wintry showers tonight. This is now in place until 3pm tomorrow (Tuesday) and warns of ice, sleet and snow overnight.