A Douglas man who has suffered from ME reflected on his 10-year journey recovering from the virus in a workshop recently.

Juan Corlett explained the often-underestimated threat of post-viral fatigue in the workplace. The Isle of Man Branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a human resources company, hosted the event at 1886, which was a presented by Manx Industrial Relations Service and ME Support (IoM). Expert evidence was provided by honorary medical adviser at the ME Association Dr Charles Shepherd, and Lesley Pickering, director and specialist occupational therapist of North West Fatigue Clinic.

The key messages from the event included the potential seriousness of post-viral illnesses if mismanaged in the workplace, the damaging consequences of over-exertion during the return to work, how relapses can occur in post-viral illnesses, and the importance of good quality, early advice for employers and employees.

Damian Warburton from Manx Industrial Relations Service did the presentation and gave guidance on supporting employees with long term health conditions, provided solutions to look after staff members and considered the legal implications of dealing with staff experiencing chronic conditions.

The avoidable mistakes Mr Corlett made in 2012 when rehabilitating from Epstein Barr Virus were explained through a Q&A.

These lessons are relevant to many of those currently living with Long Covid symptoms and Dr Shepherd explained that ‘there is a terrific overlap between Long Covid and ME/CFS’.

This was the third event held covering this topic. Two years on from the onset of the pandemic the topics discussed are hugely relevant to employers, employees and the general public.