Household waste collections could be centralised under new proposals to streamline the service across the island.

A public consultation has been launched by the Department of Infrastructure (DoI) inviting people to submit their views on how waste is dealt with across households, business, agriculture and industry.

The views will be fed into the development of an Isle of Man Waste Strategy, which is a key objective of the government’s overarching strategy document ‘Our Island Plan’.

Topics being explored include household waste collection, prevention and minimisation, reuse and recycling, energy recovery, incineration and landfill.

Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall MHK said: ‘Establishing a robust and coherent Waste Strategy is a significant opportunity for this administration to lay firm foundations for future generations living and working in the Isle of Man.

‘The department is looking at ways to improve what is currently done, with consideration being given to centralised hubs for waste recycling and household waste collections in order to reduce costs, as well as standardising household waste services and maximising recycling.’

One of the main proposals is to centralise household waste collection which are currently provided by individual local authorities which can result in differing services.

The consultation document says: ‘The current management of household waste and services provided by local authorities vary as to whether collections are every one or two weeks, kerbside collection of recyclables and more recently whether, a civic amenity site service is provided.

‘There are numerous contracts in place with differing costs and associated differing rate costs for the management of household waste.

‘Consideration of a centralised hub for waste recycling and potentially centralisation of household waste collections is proposed to reduce costs, standardise household waste services and increase recycling through economies of scale.’

The waste strategy will also look at landfill, incineration and generating energy through waste.

Mr Crookall says the information will help shape the draft waste strategy which will before presented to Tynwald.

He added: ‘The information gathered during the consultation process will help inform the development of the draft Waste Strategy before it is brought to Tynwald later in the year, and I encourage as many people as possible to get involved.’

The consultation document is available to view and complete at:

If you require an accessible version of this consultation or support reading and responding to it, please leave a message on 639770. Paper copies are also available to pick up from Waste Management Unit, 2nd Floor, Markwell House, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2RZ.

The process will conclude on Monday, September 30.