On Thursday night we may have just witnessed the future in the way we celebrate events in the Isle of Man.
There has been a growing number of people – predominantly pet and animal lovers – who want fireworks banned.
And on Loch Promenade in Douglas, hundreds of people were wowed by an incredible drone display which were silent but for the soundtrack accompanying them.
For those who have not been to Disneyland or some other spectacle across the water, there was a sense of trepidation over what they were about to see.
This was the Isle of Man’s first-ever official drone show, organised by Douglas City Council as part of celebrations for City Day - the anniversary of Douglas being officially granted city status.

The council had embarked on a relatively low-key promotion for the event – perhaps because it is so weather dependent – and was free of charge.
That may have led to some cynicism but those who attended need not have worried.
We have Star Symphony Drone Shows to thank, not only for putting on such a wonderful display, but for doing it completely for free.
After a slight delay, the music suddenly began and over to the right, this colourful lights of more than 100 drones suddenly launched into the sky.
After travelling over the Tower of Refuge, there were audible gasps from the crowd as the drones suddenly formed the Three Legs of Mann.

From there, the crowds were treated to all kinds of images capturing the essence of Douglas and the island as a whole.
Some of the highlights were the TT bike, the ghostly lighthouse, a moving Laxey wheel and a map of the island.
Not everything quite hit home. Some of the Douglas landmarks were not immediately obvious and the War Memorial also took on a shape which could be, let’s say, misinterpreted.
But overall, this was an amazing show and wonderfully organised. Whether this is the end for fireworks, we’ll have to wait and see.