Christmas is traditionally a season of joy and togetherness, yet it can also be a challenging time for many. In this feature, a representative from Manx charity Isle Stand Up for Suicide shares practical ways to support your friends, family, and loved ones throughout the festive season and beyond...
It is that time of year when we have all had a frantic time getting ready for the festive season and may be now reflecting on the year we’ve had, those we may have lost and turning our attention to New Year’s resolutions or things we’d at least like to do differently in 2025.
Isle Stand Up to Suicide (ISU2S), a one-year old charity dedicated to suicide prevention on the Isle of Man, is asking us all to keep an eye on our loved ones, our neighbours and our community as we head into January. The New Year can be a time when we can all struggle whether that be due to winter blues or financial worries after overspending during the festive season or, perhaps we have fallen out of good and healthy routines over the festivities and need to find a way to get that back in balance.
With the latest figures for suicide rates in England and Wales the highest seen since 1999, what can you do in 2025 to make a difference?
Quite simply talk and, more importantly, listen. It is so easy in our daily rush to ask someone how they are but not really listen to the answer, not REALLY listen. For this, we need to take time, we need to watch people’s body language and take note of the words used and sometimes hidden sentiment of words. Often people who are struggling give us clues but we fail to pick up on them as we dash through our day.
If you haven’t seen or heard from a friend, neighbour or family member for a few days, call round and ask them if they are ok. If they say they are, but you aren’t convinced ask again, and keep asking in different ways until you are truly convinced. If you aren’t sure, perhaps involve someone else that they may open up to and, between you, agree to keep checking in on them. Show them that they have people in their life who really care and are there to hear their story whenever they are ready to talk.

If you feel concerned that perhaps you aren’t the right person and they won’t open up to someone they know, ask them to call the ISU2S freephone helpline, from 2pm to 10pm every day of the year, on 803040. Callers can confidentially talk to volunteer respondents to discuss any concerns they may have and can be offered brief intervention from a counsellor/therapist to support them through their difficult time or be given details to a relevant support organisation who can help them.
It may be that the thought of this potentially awkward conversation fills you with dread and you would like some help and guidance as to how go about that conversation. Since the charity launched in October 2023, Isle Stand Up to Suicide has trained 119 people, just like you, in its QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training programme. This is an accredited scheme that is widely used in the USA and has resulted in a marked reduction in suicide rates within the communities where it has been deployed. QPR is designed to give people the confidence to talk about suicide and ask the difficult questions that need to be asked. By offering QPR training to the public, ISU2S hopes more members of the community will be able to recognise the warning signs and reach out to individuals who may otherwise have lost hope.
Perhaps this training is what you would like to commit to undertake in 2025? If so, please contact Isle Stand up to Suicide today by emailing [email protected] and reserving your place on the next available course. What a great way to spend just three and a half hours of your time this coming year!
Isle Stand up To Suicide (ISU2C) is a Manx registered charity whose aim is to provide support to individuals who may find themselves in a suicidal crisis.
The charity was launched in October 2023 and in its first year alone, the charity has trained over 119 individuals in QPR suicide prevention and has had over 20 volunteers manning its phoneline.
The charity operates a suicide helpline from 2pm to 10pm daily on (telephone) 803040.
For more information visit