The chief executive of the Islands Energy Group has left her role after three years in the post.

Jo Cox joined the group on 2021 and has overseen a turbulent period with gas price rises, redundancy concerns and a deadly gas explosion in Jersey, the cause of which has yet to be determined.

The Islands Energy Group board confirmed this week that Ms Cox has left to pursue a new opportunity as CEO of a company within a different industry sector.

Aidan Baglow, previously managing director of Isle of Man Energy (formerly known as Manx Gas) has taken over as interim group CEO with immediate effect.

Mr Baglow has vast experience within the industry having worked in gas operations and project management. He joined Isle of Man Energy in 2008 and lives in the island.

He said: ‘Jo joined IEG in 2021 and has successfully managed the group through one of the most turbulent times in its history. We wish her well in her new venture.’