An Isle of Man cafe worker was left upset by an angry customer in an alleged row over prices.

Bosses at the Court Cafe in Ramsey detailed the incident in a strongly worded statement issued online.

The management team at the Parliament Street business said the unnamed customer became ‘irate’ with staff when they apparently ‘couldn’t dictate the prices they wanted to pay’ at the eatery.

A worker in the cafe became upset during the apparent altercation and Court Cafe bosses said that the incident ‘doesn’t sit right’ with them.

The business has now spoken out about the incident, emphasizing that verbal abuse directed at staff will not be tolerated.

In an online statement, a spokesperson for the Court Cafe said: ‘These days, it’s difficult to price items on the menu while trying to balance the cost of staff wages, suppliers, energy, rent, VAT, etc, all while giving customers value for their money.

‘The staff do not set the prices; if there are any complaints, please bring them to the attention of the cafe managers/owners.

‘We have zero tolerance for verbal abuse towards staff.

‘We are committed to providing a welcoming and respectful environment for both our customers and our team.’

The cafe has also pledged to ban the cheeky customer from the premises once they’re identified.

Bosses also thanked members of the Ramsey community for their understanding and support during ‘these challenging times’.

Many Court Cafe regulars leapt to the defence of the business’s ‘fantastic’ staff after the statement was issued.

One said: ‘The cafe is a brilliant example of local people working with imagination, skill, and determination to do something good, something to be proud of for both themselves and the community.’

Another added: ‘It is upsetting when you have to endure unnecessary abuse. I have always found the prices reasonable and the food outstanding’.