A convicted charity fraudster has lodged an appeal against her 39 month jail term.

The jury heard she was the director of horse therapy company Manx Equitherapy Limited (MEL) which she falsely held out to be a not-for-profit charity.

She ‘stole’ the registration numbers of genuine charities to give it an ‘air of authenticity’.

Megson had denied nine counts of benefit fraud, two charges of charity fraud, one count of fraud by false representation and one of obtaining remission of fees by deception.

She represented herself at her trial but was remanded in custody on the second day due to her disruptive behaviour and it continued in her absence, without her taking the stand.

Sentencing her to 39 months in jail last year, Deemster Cook described her charity offences as the ‘planned exploitation of the public’.

Megson’s appeal against her sentence will be heard on June 12.

In March she was made subject to a confiscation order of almost £170,000 and warned in her absence that if she failed to pay up within six months she would serve another 30 months in jail.

Megson had refused to attend court, either in person or by video link, for her sentencing in September last year and March’s proceeds of crime hearing.

Deemster Graeme Cook said Megson had voluntarily absented herself. He made a confiscation order for £169,852, out of which £31,006 is to be applied as compensation to Treasury’s social security division.

Megson, previously of Ballaradcliffe, Andreas, was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £5,700 within six months or serve an additional two months in default.

Prosecutor James Robinson told the jury at her trial that MEL was a ‘mask or front for her own greed’ to obtain as much financial benefit as possible.

Analysis of its bank account showed it was used as her ‘personal piggy bank’ with payments for rent, meals out, flights, an electrical store and nights in hotels.

Megson was overpaid a total of £31,366 in benefits over a period of four years or so by claiming she was too ill to work. In fact she was receiving an income from providing horse riding lessons.

March’s proceeds of crime hearing was told that the fraudster had failed to provide details of her financial assets, as required.

The only document she had sent to court cited the Magna Carta and railed against the ‘unconstitutional’ court process. Deemster said it was best described as ‘rambling’.

Megson had been jailed for 20 weeks in August 2022 for cruelty to animals offences.