Castle View Care Home in Peel recently celebrated the 73rd wedding anniversary of two of its residents.

Albert (aged 96) and Dorcas (94) Blann married in 1951 in Gravesend, Kent, and were joined by friends and fellow residents in July for a celebration to mark the extraordinary milestone.

Dorcas (nee Costain) was born in Peel, but her father, a customs officer, moved with his family to take up a post in Gravesend.

Albert’s father was also a customs officer in Gravesend, which is how the two of them met and soon became childhood sweethearts.

Following their marriage, Albert, who followed in his father’s footsteps, was posted to Northern Ireland as a customs officer for three years, which is where their two children Beverly and Andrew were both born.

The family moved to Dorcas’s ‘beloved’ Peel in 1987, and the couple enjoyed life as active members of the World Manx Association, with Dorcas acting as its president for a number of years.

Dorcas was also a keen artist, renowned for her greeting card making, while Albert was a committed bridge player for many years.

Both well known in the town and supporting many activities in Peel, the pair lived on Christian Street until they moved into Castle View Care Home in 2022.

Dorcas and Albert celebrated their anniversary by lunching together in the Castle View dining room, followed by a special tea party with friends and residents.

A spokesperson from the care home said: ‘Bert drank his favourite tipple, dandelion and burdock, which many residents remembered from their childhood.

‘Dorcas preferred lemonade – then both enjoyed a glass of prosecco as everyone raised their glasses to toast the occasion.

‘The question on everybody’s lips was what the secret is to a lasting marriage.

‘Albert said “she is the best girl”, while Dorcas said "I still love him, but I let him think he is in charge!"’