Alex Allinson is requesting approval on behalf of the Department of Education, Sport and Culture.
The DESC says that it plans to implement a ‘much needed’ upgrade to the sound and lighting equipment across the complex in order to continue their contribution to the creation of a vibrant island community as specified in the Island Plan.
The department adds: ‘The outcome of this approval will result in the phased implementation of new and more energy efficient light and sound equipment.
‘The equipment currently in use is obsolete and in poor condition.’
The project has undergone design and feasibility assessment which reviewed various options and requirements with a subsequent business case being approved by the Strategic Asset and Capital Investment Committee (SACIC), and Treasury.
The £1.632 million sought, would come from the capital financing reserve during the financial years of 2023/ 2024, 2024/ 2025 and 2025/ 2026.
According to the Villa Gaiety website the vast majority of artists and shows hosted in the venues have their own sound and lighting system which are run by their engineers. The venues monitor both sound quality and decibel levels and advise production crews as and when necessary to ensure compliance with legal limits.