As the popularity of open water swimming continues to grow at this time of year, the Isle of Man government is reminding sea swimmers to prioritise safety, especially around the island’s piers and harbours.

While the health benefits and enjoyment of open water swimming are numerous, swimmers must be mindful of potential dangers.

The Isle of Man Harbours and Coastguard team has highlighted several risks, including strong currents, changeable weather conditions, boat traffic, difficult terrain and debris.

To mitigate these risks, thorough planning, knowledge of the environment, and maintaining visibility are essential.

Swimmers are also urged never to swim alone, as having a companion can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

The Harbours and Coastguard team has published comprehensive advice for open water swimming, including critical steps to follow in an emergency.

They include knowing the risks before going out, helpful tips, what to do in an emergency and advice to share details of your planned swim.

The steps to follow if faced with an emergency situation are first of all to signal for help and float or tread water.

It says treading water will conserve your energy and help you stay afloat.

Another essential tip is to swim parallel to the shore, and to stay calm. Panicking in the water can make your situation much worse.

This guidance is deemed essential for anyone entering the sea.

A government spokesperson added: ‘Designated safe bathing areas and restricted harbour areas are outlined online for the safety of all swimmers, and also include useful contact details, links and numbers to ask any further questions regarding designated bathing and no wake areas.’

For further information and safety advice, you can visit: